AvidStrongroom Login
Please login to AvidStrongroom by entering your user name and password below:

By using this service, I have read and agreed to the AvidXchange Terms of Service. (Last Revised March 9, 2017)
Terms of Service

Please note, your username is not your email addresses.
Have you been locked out? In the event that you have been locked out of the system due to too many invalid logon attempts, you must contact your administrator to unlock your account. For security reasons the contact information of your administrator cannot be provided on this page.

System Maintenance - AvidStrongroom Release 2024.6.0 (Sunday, September 22nd - 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM ET)

This notice is to inform you that a new release of AvidStrongroom 2024.6.0 will be released on Sunday, September 22nd 2024 from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM ET. During this time, AvidStrongroom will be offline. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you, AvidStrongroom Team.

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